A Barclays customer has hit out at the bank after they were hit by excess charges on top of their regular subscription.
The irritated person reached out to the bank over X saying: “Your Tech Pack is a rip-off. £49 to repair an old iPhone?
“What is it that I’ve been giving you money every month since November 2009 for?”
The Tech Pack is a service for certain current account customers, allowing you to get protection for your mobile phone and other devices, with coverage for repairs or if your device is stolen.
You pay £14.50 a month and the pack covers up to four devices purchased for up to £1,500, but there can be extra charges to pay.
Barclays said in response: “If a device is damaged or needs replaced there is an excess charge for the claim.
“I’ve included a link with the terms and conditions of the tech pack and additional charges that may apply.”
They shared a Barclays webpage with information about the extra charges. For a mobile phone, you can make up to four claims total each 12 months, which can include up to four for accidental damage and up to two for loss or theft.
If you have had the pack for more than a year, as in this person’s case, excesses for mobile phones include £29 for screen repair, £49 for other repairs.
There is also a £99 charge if the device cannot be repaired or £149 for loss or theft, as long as in either of these two cases the device is replaced or there is a cash settlement.
Barclays also told the customer that if they wanted to speak to someone about their claim, they could call up on 0345 528 0182, or email [email protected].
But the customer went on to explain that although they were unhappy with the Tech Pack, they felt ‘trapped’ in their current situation.
They said: “I can cancel my Tech Pack (I have tried before) – but if I do, I lose my overdraft facility. So basically I am trapped.”
The unhappy customer also said they could get their phone repaired locally for £10 less than the excess fee they were being charged by Barclays.
If you have had the Tech Pack for less than a year, the excess charges are even more, at £79 for repairs, £149 if it can’t be repaired and £179 for loss or theft.