Nationwide has issued a warning to customers about “red flags” to look out for. It comes as the building society’s own research has uncovered some worrying figures.
In a new update, Nationwide said it found that more than a third (36%) of people tell lies while online dating. The most common “fibs”, it said, include old an edited photos, “exaggerated” salaries, and lying about musical tastes and height.
And Nationwide said that, worryingly, some 44% of people would ignore warning signs and still meet up with people they met online. The financial provider is now reminding members they can use its Nationwide’s Scam Checker Service if they are worried, ahead of Valentine’s Day this Friday.
The update continued: “While harmless embellishments are common, increased online activity brings with it a rise in scammers attempting to exploit people searching for their next relationship. The threat increases in February, with the research highlighting that almost a quarter of people (24%) feel under pressure to have a date around Valentine’s Day, while nearly three in ten (29%) admit to feeling lonely.”
People are also to “watch out for love bombing”, when a scammer tries to win over a target with quick and overwhelming affection, and should also try doing a reverse image search if you suspect a photo might be stolen. You should also never send money to someone you haven’t met in person, and report suspicious activity immediately, Nationwide said.
It added that some 27% of dating singles say they have been contacted by someone pretending to be someone they’re not. Urging people to be extra cautious, Nationwide said that if something seems too good to be true, it likely is.