One thing you might be doing with your sat nav that could lead to a fine and points

Motorists risk a hefty penalty of six points on their licence and a fine up to £200 for improper use of their sat nav. Although it is perfectly legal to have a sat nav installed in your car for navigational assistance, there are stringent rules governing its usage, particularly when the vehicle is in motion.

Rule 149 of the Highway Code, which provides general guidelines and advice for drivers, stipulates that hand-held devices cannot be used while driving or supervising a learner driver, and drivers must always maintain proper control of their vehicle.

A vehicle must be stationary before a driver can operate a handheld remote control app or device. The rule emphasises that the app or device must be lawful and should not endanger others during its operation.

Government guidelines further clarify that holding and operating a sat nav while driving or riding a motorcycle is illegal, regardless of whether the sat nav is online or offline. While the standard penalty for illicit use of a sat nav includes six points and a £200 fine, which could lead to loss of licence if you passed your driving test within the last two years, under certain circumstances, the punishment could be even more severe.

If your sat nav obstructs a full view of the road and traffic ahead, you could be slapped with three penalty points. If prosecuted for this offence, you could face an outright driving ban and a maximum fine of up to £1,000 or £2,500 if you are at the wheel of a lorry or bus.

However, official guidelines do outline certain exceptions where handheld sat nav use is permissible. These include when you are safely parked or using the device to park your vehicle remotely.

Hands-free sat navs are also allowed, provided they are not held at any point. This can range from built-in car sat navs, voice commands, Bluetooth headsets, dashboard holders or mats, to windscreen mounts.

Hands-free sat navs are also allowed, provided they are not held at any point. This can range from built-in car sat navs, voice commands, Bluetooth headsets, dashboard holders or mats, to windscreen mounts.

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