Customers with energy firms including British Gas, EDF, OVO, Octopus as well as E.On can claim up to £1,500 off their bills if they receive one type of benefit.
A little known scheme allows customers of major energy companies to claim what’s known as an Energy Bill Grant from their gas or electricity supplier, which could be worth hundreds or even thousands of pounds off your bill.
British Gas has £200M set aside to support customers facing financial difficulties with independent charity The British Gas Energy Trust. In the past three years, more than two million British Gas customers have received energy debt write-off grants.
Currently, the British Gas Energy Trust has two schemes, one offering up to £1,700 grants and another offering up to £2,000. Those on Universal Credit are among customers who can apply as well as state pensioners.
The Individual and Families fund offers up to £1,700 of support, while the main Energy Support Fund goes up to £2,000.
For the latter, you only need to be a member of that household, meaning any household with a pensioner living at home can apply.
To be eligible, you need to have an energy debt, have taken money advice and be on a dual fuel or gas and electricity account in your name for your main residence.
The Trust says: “Funded solely by British Gas since 2004, the British Gas Energy Trust has provided consistent money and energy advice for vulnerable households and is one of the largest, grant-giving energy trusts in the UK.
“Our £140 million support package offers extra support to customers facing financial hardship including vulnerable prepayment customers and small businesses”.
EDF has a Consumer Support Fund which gives grants to customers struggling with debt. It also offers support for essential appliances like fridges or ovens.
EDF says you need to have taken independent debt advice before you can apply through its Let’s Talk website.
E.On offers customers a route to money off their bills with something called the EOn Next Energy Fund, which can help with debts if you’re on benefits and can also help replace household appliances.
OVO Energy has something called the Fuel Direct Scheme, which is available to people on Universal Credit or Pension Credit and this can help pay your energy bills directly from your benefits.
Octopus Energy offers something called Octo Assist, which is its hardship fund for customers who ‘need it most’.
The firm said: “Octo Assist is a £30 million customer help fund and a collection of support schemes designed to help customers who need it most keep on top of their energy, and keep warm without worrying.
“Includes free electric blankets, Winter Fuel Payments, standing charge waivers and more.”