Tag: National Insurance
4 sneaky ways Rachel Reeves could hike YOUR taxes next week without breaking her word
Chancellor Rachel Reeves is a woman of her word. Until she twists its meaning. …
State pensions update as savers get extra month to claim huge top-up
A deadline for workers and pensioners to backdate missed National Insurance payments as far back as 2006 will expire at midnight on 6 April. …
‘Final’ pension warning as ‘millions at risk’ of being paid less than they should
Experts have issued a list of steps to follow to see if you are missing out. …
State Pension savers warned ‘think again’ as one mistake could ‘waste money’
Parents rushing to meet a crucial deadline to top up their state pension National Insurance record could be wasting their money, a pension expert has said. …
Martin Lewis says get £100,000 extra in DWP state pension before April deadline
You could be given as much as £100,000 more in your state pension over your lifetime if you act before April. …
DWP issues urgent State Pension message as people told ‘request a call’
The Department for Work and Pensions is urging people not to miss out on their State Pension entitlement. …
Martin Lewis says claim this benefit even if you earn over £60,000
Martin Lewis says people often make a ‘mistake’ by failing to claim this benefit because it can still boost your pension for free. …
Martin Lewis pension alert to anyone earning over £6,396 a year
On his ITV show last night, the Money Saving Expert gave a ‘Beginner’s Guide to how National Insurance impacts your State Pension”. …
‘I added £89k to pension pot thanks to simple Martin Lewis tip’
The viewer shared her story on the Martin Lewis Live Show on Tuesday evening. …
Martin Lewis’ urgent plea to anyone aged 40 to 73 over pension boost ‘worth £10,000s’
Martin Lewis will return on The Martin Lewis Money Show Live at 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX to explain how to get £10,000s extra in your pension before the deadline. …