Tag: National Insurance records.
HMRC issues State Pension alert to women in their 60s and 70s
Home Responsibilities Protection should have automatically been granted to anyone who took time off work to care for a family and who also claimed child benefits between April 6, 1978, and April 5, 2010. …
Martin Lewis says state pensioners can get thousands from HMRC with one phone call
Money expert Martin Lewis says state pensioners need to call HMRC to add thousands to their state pension payouts. …
DWP error could see thousands of state pensioners get back payments up to £8k
Nearly 400,000 retirees may be entitled to backdated payments of up to £8,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions. …
DWP error means you could be owed thousands of pounds from your state pension
The government is trying to track down thousands of people who could be owed back payments on their state pension due to a DWP error …