Tag: NHS
Everyone with these 27 NHS health conditions can still get £812 DWP PIP benefits
The DWP’s PIP benefits are still available despite potential changes and could get you £812 a month if you have one of these NHS conditions. …
These UK households can get up to £442 a year for food and milk
Households across the UK could be missing out on up to £34 per month to spend on food. …
DWP to change PIP support for people with muscle and joint conditions
The DWP has announced a new initiative to speed up treatment for people with muscle and joint conditions in the worst-hit areas for waiting times …
Doctors warn any Budget attack on pension perks will fuel exodus from NHS
The Chancellor is rumoured to be considering reducing the tax relief paid on pension contributions …
NHS crackdown: Full list of 38 conditions that no longer qualify for free prescriptions
Patients cannot claim free ‘over-the-counter’ medication, such as paracetamol, for minor illnesses in some NHS surgeries across England. …
Chancellor urged to scrap free prescriptions for people aged 60 to 65
Pressure is coming from the Intergenerational Foundation charity, which argues that free prescriptions should be aligned to the state pension age of 66. …
NHS must be scrapped to save lives government is told in urgent message
The Institute for Economic Affairs claims there has been a “huge shift” in public support for replacing the NHS. …
State pensioners handed £44,200 a year by NHS for care home bills
State pensioners can get an average of £44,200 a year paid towards medical care home bills by the NHS. …
Where’s the proof? Treasury and DWP refuse to release Winter Fuel Payment cash grab sums
The Daily Express asked the Treasury and DWP to confirm whether any impact assessment had been carried out ahead of the Winter Fuel Payment pensioner cash grab Both refused to cooperate despite a Labour promise to “be honest with the public”. …