Tag: savings
HMRC announces major shake-up in the treatment of tax-free ISAs
The move is expected to encourage investment in shares, particularly among young adults, who are keen to buy a stake in high performing tech companies …
Bank issues warning to two million savers missing out on returns – ‘switch to this’
These savers may also be at risk of paying tax on their cash. …
Bank raises interest on easy access savings account to 4.75% and earns ‘excellent’ rating
Experts have described the new interest rate as “enticing” as it takes a more “competitive” position in the easy access savings table. …
Online savings account that offers £100 cashback to new savers
Online savings platforms offer accounts from their associated banks, sometimes with even better rates …
Bank raises interest on savings account to 5% and earns ‘excellent’ rating
The savings account now takes a “competitive” position when compared to other one-year fixed rate bonds. …
DWP ‘quick calculator check’ could boost your income by £3,900
You could be eligible for additional financial support if you’re employed but on a low income, disabled or living with a health condition, raising a family, or have recently lost a loved one. …