This Oral-B Electric Toothbrush Is Nearly Half-off Post Christmas

One of the best toothbrushes on the market is [45% off on Amazon today, going for about $55]( It’s the best $60 deal this side of an ugly concert hoodie. The [Oral-B Pro 5000 Smartseries Power Rechargeable Electric Toothbrush]( is only about $15 more than the [Oral-B Pro 1000 model]( kwF&asc_source=web&asc_campaign=web&, making it a steal. It’s pretty much the best thing Oral-B makes, and the brand whips out all stops for a toothbrush that functions more like a magic screwdriver. The Oral-B 5000 has an automatic pressure sensor, for one, which isn’t just a throwaway feature. It helps protect its user’s gums, which is important in preventing gum recession and therefore cavities (the inspiration for [a very real Brooklyn Nine-Nine bit]( The 5000 also has a two-minute timer ( [the standard expert recommendation for brushing your teeth](, and bluetooth connectivity, meaning that you can log your brushing habits over time, if that’s your thing. It also has the American Dental Association’s stamp approval, with Oral-B claiming that it’s the first electronic toothbrush to earn that distinction. A mic drop moment in the face of Panasonic Truthers. Amazon reviewers praise the brush’s light weight, its long battery life, and the thorough, rotational arc of the brush. The app itself also received a glowing reception, which may be surprising to some who are dubious about the smartphoneification of everything. But the app shows its user diagrams of the teeth they’re not brushing enough – or brushing too much – even color-coding the coverage you’re getting as you’re using it. It’s an app maybe worth deleting Duolingo for. German fluency may not be in your 2024, but a better smile might be.

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