Exact date you need to turn on your heating in 2024 according to Met Office data

As the colder season arrives, Brits are considering when to turn up their heating, with experts turning to the latest weather data to determine the precise date for adjusting thermostats.

BestHeating, an online authority on heating, has examined Met Office data from the past six years to ascertain how much longer Brits can wait before activating their heating for the winter, while also handing out some much-needed advice on how to slash our bills.

Currently, the NHS advises turning on the heating when outdoor temperatures fall below 15C for health reasons. Met Office data indicates that we may need to start using our heating from November 17.

After this date, temperatures are not expected to rise above 15C for the rest of the year.

This is a shift from last year’s prediction of October 20th to restart the boiler, suggesting that in 2024, Brits could potentially delay heating their homes for nearly a month longer.

Jess Steele, heating technology expert at BestHeating comments: “Whilst there isn’t an optimum time to switch heating on, our research shows that once temperatures are below 15°C, often around October or November, it is best to turn the heating on as we feel the chill more.

By the end of the month, even the hardiest among us will have our heating on to keep warm as temperatures are predicted to drop further.

“If it is below 13°C outside then health issues can arise, especially in vulnerable people. With many worried about their finances, it can be tempting to hold off putting the heating on but be careful delaying this too long as this can hurt your body. For those struggling, we recommend contacting your local council or energy supplier as there are often grants and help available to keep you safe throughout winter.”

To help Brits get their radiators in good working order and keep bills as low as possible throughout the cold months, Jess has provided three essential pieces of advice. Here is what they want you to know.

Only heat the room you are in

“One of the simplest mistakes people make during winter is heating an unused space. Make sure to turn radiators off in rooms that are not in use such as bedrooms throughout the day. The one caveat to this is not to turn the radiators off in the room where the thermostat is located, or it could cause issues with the temperature of the rest of the home. Doing this will improve the boiler’s efficiency, allowing rooms you are in to warm quicker and saving over £100 for heating if used daily.”

Turn the thermostat down by one degree Celsius

“Research shows that by reducing a home’s temperature by a little, good savings can be made on energy bills. 20.8°C is the average thermostat setting in the UK, but 18°C should keep you comfortably warm throughout the colder months. This can save up to 10% on a fuel bill or an estimated £80. A clever way to assess if the heating is too warm is to turn the thermostat down by one °C and see how you feel.”

Choose the best times of day to blast the heating

“To keep bills low, be clever with when your heating is turned on. If the temperature is going to be lower than 10°C, set it to come on an hour before your alarm to take away the chill. If you are out all day, then do the same in the evening. Anyone with a Smart thermostat will be able to control their heating more easily, as they can make sure there is no wasted energy when out at work or shopping and can also set it so that they return to a warm house that is cost-effective.”

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